Everyone has a dream in his or her heart. God put it there. People who don’t have a dream don’t make it in life. Over time we cover the pain with self-defeating, addicting behaviors. But what we don't comprehend is that the dream is why we are the way we are! We tend to think, “I’m not good enough.” Or we become afraid of failure. 100% of people feel that way! That’s how God made us to feel! God makes everyone’s dream too big -- seemingly too impossible.
Feelings of inadequacy or of fear are NOT supposed to kill the dream! Your comfort zone is never where the dream is. When you feel fear, you must understand that God never takes away the fear. The dream is YOUR DESTINY! If you don’t pursue it, you don’t want it bad enough. We become empty when the dream is not pursued. Self-hatred takes over and we destroy ourselves when what He desires is for us to take courage and do it afraid!
Jeremiah 1:4 & 5, “The Word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’”
A commentary I read for this scripture says, “When you feel discouraged or inadequate, remember that God has always thought of you as valuable, and He has a purpose in mind for you.”
We are arrogant to think we can make our own dream! We are “here” to fulfill God’s dream, His purpose, not our own. Doesn’t that make you feel special? Doesn’t this idea create a new hope and a great expectation within you? Doesn’t it tempt you to say, “Oh please, tell me more, Lord” …
God will accomplish His dream. It’s never too late to seek that dream. Everything you’ve been through has been for a purpose AND to fulfill God’s dream. Trials are NOT to destroy us; they are to make us strong. If you think you’re too far gone maybe it’s “your time.” God has been preparing you your whole life. Open the door where God keeps dreams. To think you need to be different to accomplish your dream means you believe A LIE!
1 Corinthians 4:7, “For who makes you different from any one else? What is it that you did not receive?”
Shame on me if I think I have not received “ALL” I need from Him to fulfill my purpose. I am so convicted I could crawl under a rock and not come out until the sun goes down!
Exodus 35:30-35, “The Lord has filled [you] with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts – to engage in all kinds of artistic craftsmanship – with the ability to teach others, and with skill to do all kinds of work as craftsmen, designers, embroiderers.”
What is God going to say about how you lived your life? Are you fulfilling the purpose He created you to fulfill? Looking through His eyes, take inventory of who you are and what you are capable of doing. Your potential is astounding!
Psalm 139:13-16, “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.”
God’s character goes into the creation of every person. When you feel worthlessness or even begin to hate yourself, remember that God’s Spirit is ready and willing to work within you. We should have as much respect for ourselves as our Maker has for us.
Ephesians 2:8-10, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
If God considers us His works of art, we dare not treat ourselves, or others, with disrespect. We dare not consider God’s creation an inferior work. Your work is eternally important! Thank God for all of your life, and apologize for hurting His heart by not following your dream. He is ALL you need. He has given you ALL you need to fulfill His awesome purpose for your life.
OH, I feel like dancing!!!!!!!!!!! (There’s still more to this story!) I have a dream, and I’m going to live it. How about you?
Girl. I am standing up and saying YES! Your words are powerful here. :) I am going right now to pull out my own notes from that weekend and spend some time asking God to show me more. :)