An old Webster’s Dictionary that belonged to my precious mother defines the word “all” as “the total entity.” To apply that definition to describe God leads me to say that He is total, entire, utmost. To stop here would NOT be taking anything away from Who He Is! He is "ALL" -- nothing more because nothing can be added. He is the grand total of everything we need and nothing less because He is perfect. Consider that He is the perfect number, the completed and perfect circle, no beginning and no end. I drew the following diagram in my journal....
O {I wrote "me" in the middle of the O}
He completely surrounds me, encompasses me. Does His presence surround you daily? Do you feel His encompassing Spirit every minute of your day? Does He complete you? Is He the Essence of your being? Is He truly ALL you need?
“In Sylvia Gunter’s “He is the I Am,” she reflects on Exodus 3:14, “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM...I AM has sent me.’” Her commentary on that scripture says "He is the I AM, before all things, the uncaused cause, eternally existent."
To me that means God existed before ALL things. He created ALL things. He existed BEFORE creation. His nature is unchanging. He is the same ALL the time. He never wavers. I’m overwhelmed by trying to comprehend ALL that He is!
In Philippians 2: 9-10 we read, “Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every (all) name(s), that at the name of Jesus Christ every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.” The authority and glory of God is revealed through the Name above ALL names, Jesus Christ!
I recently attended a conference featuring speaker Dr. Bruce Wilkinson and learned about a name for God that I did not know. Dr. Wilkinson explained how God is our "dream giver." WOAH...GLORY! What the Lord showed me during that weekend was more than amazing. Stay tuned to my next post in May when I tie together "He is...ALL" to what the Lord revealed to me that weekend!
Before I close for this encounter you need to know that I cannot write about my faithful and glorious Abba Father without lifting praise through song. Music lifts my soul and completely rocks my world! Please ponder the lyrics to one of my favorite songs, “You Are My All in All/I Will Praise You” by Dennis Jernigan. These lyrics capture the essence of the word “All” in a powerful way to me.
“You are my strength when I am weak,
You are the treasure that I seek,
You are my All in All.
Seeking You as a precious jewel,
Lord to give up I’d be a fool,
You are my All in All.
Jesus Lamb of God; Worthy is Your name
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame,
Rising again I bless Your name,
You are my All in All
When I fall down You pick me up,
When I am dry You fill my cup,
You are my All in All
Jesus Lamb of God; Worthy is Your name.
All that I am, all I will be,
All that I know and all that I cannot see,
All that I was is no longer me,
For my Redeemer, my Lord, set me free,
He rescued me!
I will praise You, For all that You have done for me,
I will praise You, For redeeming and setting me free,
For loving me!
I was so lost and You seemed so far,
But redeeming blood washed me to right where You are
Now I am Your Child and You are my God,
Your redeeming love just leaves me standing in awe
Of Who You are!
I will praise You, For all that You have done for me,
I will praise You, For redeeming and setting me free, For loving me!”
In His Service,
Debbie Murphy
Beautiful. Even though I know a little about what you will share in May...I can not wait to read it!