In this passage Jesus tells us not to worry about our life, what we shall eat, drink, or wear. God is aware of our needs and He will provide them.
When the economy started to head south last year. I didn't give it much thought. I had a pretty secure job and my husband's 2 companies were doing okay. It wasn't until later in the year that my husband's truck needed a costly repair. We looked into replacing it versus getting it fixed. God provided the perfect vehicle at the same payments we were already paying.
About a month and half later I got a promotion at work. We were excited that we were going to be able to use some of the extra money to pay off some debt. God had other plans. My car died and we were in the market once again for a vehicle. Due to the economy vehicles were marked down and God provided that once again perfect vehicle for me. My raise was exactly what I needed to make the payments. It was October.
November rolled around and my husband's business decreased. Now I was starting to get worried. If he wasn't able to pay himself, how would we pay our bills? How would we buy food? Christmas was right around the corner and we have 3 boys, what would we do? Well, his pay did decrease to 1 paycheck a month instead of 4. It has been that way since November. We have always been frugal with our money, but now even the little things really add up. It has taught us discipline on spending and what it is like to trust God and just let Him take over. I have always said God was in control of my life, but was He or was I?
God has provided in so many different ways for us. I have seen miracles that I wouldn't have recognized if it hadn't been for out financial situation. It has also been a great lesson for our boys. Things are slowly turning around with my husband's businesses. God is still providing!
Two thoughts my pastor said a few weeks ago:
- Sometimes God will not intervene until things are totally humanly impossible.
-Our impossible situations are opportunities to experience a new dimension of God's glory.
My favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."
Are you wondering where your next meal is going to come from? How you are going to pay the next bill? God will make a way for you, trust in Him, HE WILL PROVIDE!
Amy lives in Lawrenceville, GA with her husband Jerry and her 3 sons Jerry, Nicholas and Zachery