He is...My Shield - The Deflector of Distractions
Oh precious sister, I’m so glad you joined me today. Come on in, sit for awhile.
I’ve just poured you a nice tall glass of sweet tea. Let’s just chat.
Think back to the last time you were serving Him. That’s right! It was in choir last
Sunday morning. Remember that sweet look of contentment on your face as you sang.
I look around and I see
All the works that Your hands have made
The awesomeness of You
And how Your love will never fail
Mere words cannot express what I feel inside
I can’t describe Your glory divine
But as a token of my love
This is what I’ll do
I lift my hands and cry Holy
Lord, You’re Holy
Lord, You’re Holy
And we lift You up
And magnify Your Name
Lord, You’re Holy
Lord, You’re Holy
And we lift You up
And magnify Your Name
You know you’ve been in the presence of the Savior. You can feel the sweet peace that falls over a congregation at the close of a praise song. The pastor has just made his way to the podium to deliver God’s word. But before you’ve even had a chance to open your Bible, someone comes to tell you that your sweet Jonathan has managed to bite a precious little girl in the nursery. Distractions! Then the mind tapes play. You probably shouldn’t even be in choir! Why, you should only be ministering to small children for the next 5 years! What made you think you think you have a decent voice? You can hardly sing the alto part, let alone leas others in worship!
Or maybe you were serving Him as you sat in a church meeting, planning for the upcoming youth events. You just volunteered to serve as a host home for 15 eighth grade girls. Your passion has always been to minister to young girls, making God’s word come alive in their every day lives. You can already smell the popcorn and hear their laughter. The best is yet to come as they quiet down and you’re sharing how God impacted your life as a teenager. Someone interrupts that vision! Another lady in the meeting states, “We do have a home with much more room, dear. Surely you don’t mean for all 15 of those girls to stay in your house. Where would they all fit?” Distractions! Then the mind tapes play. She’s right! We really don’t have much to offer. The girls would probably prefer sleeping in separate rooms vs. having everybody sleep downstairs in sleeping bags. What was I thinking? We’ll never own a big fancy house.
In the first scenario, our sweet sister actually started her service for God, and then got distracted. With the second lady, Satan had already pushed the play button before she actually had a chance to open her home to those middle school girls, who desperately need to hear God’s word in a Christian “home”.
And if you think that once you’ve finished a project or an act of service for the Lord, that you will not be distracted, or tapes are no where to be found… Oh, girlfriend… not so! The pause button is just about ready to be pushed. And who do you think has his finger on the play button?
Here’s an example:
Freedom’s Call was invited to do a ladies conference this past weekend at The Mary Hall Freedom House. Their beautiful mission statement reads: To improve the quality of life of women and women with children by empowering them to break the cycle of addiction, poverty and homelessness. The director of The Mary Hall Freedom House, Lucy Hall, is dedicated to serving these women by investing in their lives and showing them that Christ is the answer. Over 2500 women have completed the program since 1996.
The weekend was incredible. God took over and did a work in us and the women at the Freedom House like no other. The worship was anointed and Jill brought forth the Word of God with power and compassion. Breakout sessions were packed with good questions, shared heartaches and testimonies, and true revelations from God. The Holy Spirit had free reign to move about as He set women free from their chains, You can imagine how the lyrics from songs like “Shackles” and “Amazing Grace/ My Chains Are Gone” fell fresh upon those ladies and the five of us in Freedom’s Call.
On our way home from the weekend conference, we were fairly quiet. I felt extra weepy for the next several days (I still do). When folks asked how things went, I was barely able to blurt out more than, great, amazing. I believe that when we encounter the Supernatural, we will have a hard time describing it with man’s words. I also felt tired. Why? We had been engaged in spiritual warfare. Why didn’t I feel the pressure of it during the conference? Thank goodness so many of you were praying for us as we ministered to the ladies at the Freedom House. God was meeting all of our needs, including physical strength.
So when did the distractions start? When did the tapes start playing for me? I started when I was alone and away from the prayer covering of our faithful prayer warriors and the Mighty Movement of the Holy Spirit during the actual conference.
Then the tapes started to play. How did you really sound? I think you messed up on your part in several of the numbers. Why did you decide to sing that song? Your solo wasn’t very strong. Aren’t you getting a little old to be singing with this group? Did you even make an impact on those women?
What can we do when Satan starts those tapes and causes all kinds of distractions? (He seems to know where that silly rewind button is, doesn’t he?) First, take it to the Lord and ask Him to permanently destroy those tapes. Then go see your girlfriend, you know the one that always has your back. Your personal pray warrior. Together you can encourage one another. Recognize where those lies have come from. Go boldly before the Throne together. You can counter the attacks with prayer.
It will get easier to recognize Satan’s paralyzing voice. Anytime you hear Jesus calling you the “Beloved”, Satan will be standing in the shadows just waiting to distract you. You are a child of God. Step into the Light and tell Satan who you work for. Call out the name of Jesus and make him tremble.
Thanks for listening. Should I pour you another glass of ice tea?
The Ice Tea Lady
Debbie Fritz
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
To know me is to know that I am thrilled over any opportunity to sing and share what God is doing in my life. I had an awesome time yesterday as I spoke and sang for a Tea Party at First Baptist Lawrenceville. I’d like to give a shout out to those wonderful ladies who welcomed me so warmly, who listened respectfully and sang along with joyful hearts…what an angelic sound as you lifted up praise with me!
The message the Lord gave me for these ladies was “He is our Friend.” Isn’t it just chilling when God gives you a message and it turns out to be a recurring theme in an event? Makes me wanna shout HALLELUJAH! Nothing reveals God to me more than when this happens. It makes ministry so alive and drives me to serve Him with more passion.
Yes, God is my Friend. John 15:15 says, “I no longer call you servants…but I call you friends.” Allow me to share the Tea Party message with you.
It began with the song “Friend of God”…a simple, humble chorus that will bring you to your knees if you sing it with heartfelt abandon. “Who am I that You are mindful of me? That you hear me when I call? Who am I that You are thinking of me? That you love me? It’s amazing!”
Are you amazed that God is mindful of you? That He hears every word you speak to Him? That even right this very moment He is thinking of you and the future He has planned for you? Can you hear Him speak “I love you” from His heart to yours? I don’t know about you, but there’s another hallelujah moment for me!
I shared with my tea mates that my testimony begins in childhood. I grew up in a Baptist church. My mom, in my eyes, was a saint if there ever was one! She loved the Lord; she walked the walk and talked the talk. She taught me to pray, to read the Bible and BE IN CHURCH EVERY TIME THE DOORS WERE OPEN!! I didn’t understand her motivation then, but I do now.
As a very young child, I played the piano and sang hymns in church with my little sister. I played Mary in our Christmas programs and have a cool picture of me with the shawl on my head. That must be when the drama bug bit me!
I was baptized at age 9. I still remember walking down that aisle with tears streaming down my face. All my life I have known God, believed in Him and thought He was in control of my life…BUT…..I did not develop a relationship with Jesus until much later. You see, my mom laid the foundation, but it was my responsibility to ask Jesus into my heart. No one else could do it for me.
I still recall, quite vividly, the morning I ask Jesus to begin a relationship with me. A young pastor’s wife in my church gave her testimony…she was baptized as a child but realized she didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. My heart stopped! The huge hole in my life, all the searching and emptiness, could it be that I didn’t know Jesus? I sat in my choir chair holding on for dear life. I was NOT going to move. I was a children’s choir director, adult choir member, music teacher to many of the church members' children…what would everyone say if I went forward at the time of invitation???
I did not go forward…I went to Sunday School and the Holy Spirit followed me there!! I’m quite sure He sat down right beside me, tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Whatta ya gonna do now frady-cat?”
He wouldn’t leave me alone! I realized I had to go back at the end of the next service and talk with the young women who gave her testimony. I had to know for sure that heaven was my destiny and that Jesus was my Lord.
I did just that. She counseled me, and I prayed for Jesus to come into my heart and be my Savior. And what a wild ride these years with Him have been! I was baptized again and began to serve Him in ways I never dreamed possible. To apply an Oswald Chambers quote to my life…He has made a holy experiment out of me – and His experiments always succeed!
Jesus is not only my BFF, He is my Shield, my Strength, my Portion, my Deliverer and my Everlasting God. A devotion book I’m reading has a wonderful description of how great a friend our awesome God is.
“Our God is an interested and willing listener. Let Him be your teacher and share all your secrets with Him. Take God as your spouse and friend and walk with Him continually, and you will not sin. You will learn to love, and the things you must do will work out prosperously for you.”
If Jesus is not your best friend, why isn’t He? You can ask Him right now to forgive your sin and come into your heart, and instantaneously, He will do just that. No physical exam to check your heart, no financial questionnaire to check your wealth; just your willingness to follow Him whether He leads.
Are you ready to do that? Oh please say "yes." It will be the greatest day in your life!
Debbie lives in Dacula, GA with her wonderful husband Sonny and wonder-dog Bandit
To know me is to know that I am thrilled over any opportunity to sing and share what God is doing in my life. I had an awesome time yesterday as I spoke and sang for a Tea Party at First Baptist Lawrenceville. I’d like to give a shout out to those wonderful ladies who welcomed me so warmly, who listened respectfully and sang along with joyful hearts…what an angelic sound as you lifted up praise with me!
The message the Lord gave me for these ladies was “He is our Friend.” Isn’t it just chilling when God gives you a message and it turns out to be a recurring theme in an event? Makes me wanna shout HALLELUJAH! Nothing reveals God to me more than when this happens. It makes ministry so alive and drives me to serve Him with more passion.
Yes, God is my Friend. John 15:15 says, “I no longer call you servants…but I call you friends.” Allow me to share the Tea Party message with you.
It began with the song “Friend of God”…a simple, humble chorus that will bring you to your knees if you sing it with heartfelt abandon. “Who am I that You are mindful of me? That you hear me when I call? Who am I that You are thinking of me? That you love me? It’s amazing!”
Are you amazed that God is mindful of you? That He hears every word you speak to Him? That even right this very moment He is thinking of you and the future He has planned for you? Can you hear Him speak “I love you” from His heart to yours? I don’t know about you, but there’s another hallelujah moment for me!
I shared with my tea mates that my testimony begins in childhood. I grew up in a Baptist church. My mom, in my eyes, was a saint if there ever was one! She loved the Lord; she walked the walk and talked the talk. She taught me to pray, to read the Bible and BE IN CHURCH EVERY TIME THE DOORS WERE OPEN!! I didn’t understand her motivation then, but I do now.
As a very young child, I played the piano and sang hymns in church with my little sister. I played Mary in our Christmas programs and have a cool picture of me with the shawl on my head. That must be when the drama bug bit me!
I was baptized at age 9. I still remember walking down that aisle with tears streaming down my face. All my life I have known God, believed in Him and thought He was in control of my life…BUT…..I did not develop a relationship with Jesus until much later. You see, my mom laid the foundation, but it was my responsibility to ask Jesus into my heart. No one else could do it for me.
I still recall, quite vividly, the morning I ask Jesus to begin a relationship with me. A young pastor’s wife in my church gave her testimony…she was baptized as a child but realized she didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. My heart stopped! The huge hole in my life, all the searching and emptiness, could it be that I didn’t know Jesus? I sat in my choir chair holding on for dear life. I was NOT going to move. I was a children’s choir director, adult choir member, music teacher to many of the church members' children…what would everyone say if I went forward at the time of invitation???
I did not go forward…I went to Sunday School and the Holy Spirit followed me there!! I’m quite sure He sat down right beside me, tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Whatta ya gonna do now frady-cat?”
He wouldn’t leave me alone! I realized I had to go back at the end of the next service and talk with the young women who gave her testimony. I had to know for sure that heaven was my destiny and that Jesus was my Lord.
I did just that. She counseled me, and I prayed for Jesus to come into my heart and be my Savior. And what a wild ride these years with Him have been! I was baptized again and began to serve Him in ways I never dreamed possible. To apply an Oswald Chambers quote to my life…He has made a holy experiment out of me – and His experiments always succeed!
Jesus is not only my BFF, He is my Shield, my Strength, my Portion, my Deliverer and my Everlasting God. A devotion book I’m reading has a wonderful description of how great a friend our awesome God is.
“Our God is an interested and willing listener. Let Him be your teacher and share all your secrets with Him. Take God as your spouse and friend and walk with Him continually, and you will not sin. You will learn to love, and the things you must do will work out prosperously for you.”
If Jesus is not your best friend, why isn’t He? You can ask Him right now to forgive your sin and come into your heart, and instantaneously, He will do just that. No physical exam to check your heart, no financial questionnaire to check your wealth; just your willingness to follow Him whether He leads.
Are you ready to do that? Oh please say "yes." It will be the greatest day in your life!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
He is Our Adonai, Lord and Master
Adonai is translated Lord in the Bible. It signifies ownership or mastership and indicates the truth that God is the owner of each member of the human family, and that He consequently claims the unrestricted obedience of all.
Lordship meant complete possession on one hand and complete submission on the other. God is never an unjust master and therefore does not ask what cannot be performed, and never requires a task for which He does not equip His servants. In other words, everything God asks us to do is good and just and can be accomplished as we trust Him to enable us to do all that He has asked us to do.
Wow after reading that it made me realize that God really does have our backs. He never said it would always be easy, but no matter what, He has equipped us to perform the task He has laid before us. Only if we trust Him……Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and he shall direst your paths.
Rom 12:1-2
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Our "reasonable service" is a complete surrender to the will of God our Adonai. God will never ask us to do anything we can not accomplish. Because He is a kind and loving master; he equips us with all we need to succeed in the tasks He requires of us.
As I deal with the issues of my 3 boys, it seems harder to give it to God. I feel so out of control and helpless. Deep down I know God is in control and is handling things and all he wants from me is my obedience and trust. That is easier said than done. I frequently quote and question the verse that says God will not give you more than you can handle. (Smile)
What in your life do you need to stop trying to control and just give it to the one who knows how to handle it? God is our Adonai. He loves us and is going to take care of us all we need to do is to submit to Him. He will take care of the rest.
Will you trust Him with whatever you’re struggling with today? I pray you will. It is then that you will find true freedom in Christ.
Have a Great Week!
Amy lives in Lawrenceville with Jerry and their 3 Boys
Adonai is translated Lord in the Bible. It signifies ownership or mastership and indicates the truth that God is the owner of each member of the human family, and that He consequently claims the unrestricted obedience of all.
Lordship meant complete possession on one hand and complete submission on the other. God is never an unjust master and therefore does not ask what cannot be performed, and never requires a task for which He does not equip His servants. In other words, everything God asks us to do is good and just and can be accomplished as we trust Him to enable us to do all that He has asked us to do.
Wow after reading that it made me realize that God really does have our backs. He never said it would always be easy, but no matter what, He has equipped us to perform the task He has laid before us. Only if we trust Him……Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and he shall direst your paths.
Rom 12:1-2
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Our "reasonable service" is a complete surrender to the will of God our Adonai. God will never ask us to do anything we can not accomplish. Because He is a kind and loving master; he equips us with all we need to succeed in the tasks He requires of us.
As I deal with the issues of my 3 boys, it seems harder to give it to God. I feel so out of control and helpless. Deep down I know God is in control and is handling things and all he wants from me is my obedience and trust. That is easier said than done. I frequently quote and question the verse that says God will not give you more than you can handle. (Smile)
What in your life do you need to stop trying to control and just give it to the one who knows how to handle it? God is our Adonai. He loves us and is going to take care of us all we need to do is to submit to Him. He will take care of the rest.
Will you trust Him with whatever you’re struggling with today? I pray you will. It is then that you will find true freedom in Christ.
Have a Great Week!
Amy lives in Lawrenceville with Jerry and their 3 Boys
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